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Clearing the Fog with Provasil

You are at a friend's party when someone comes up to you and starts a conversation. You are very sure you have met before; you even recall her telling you about her pet Dalmatian. But why in tarnation can't you remember her name? Or picture yourself in front of an audience speaking about a topic of which you are an expert. All of a sudden you stop, groping for a word at the tip of your tongue. After a few seconds, you give up and use another word. Your audience does not seem to mind, but this hiccup keeps nagging at you, telling you something is wrong. While everyone finds themselves in a similar situation one time or another, the fact still does not make it less frustrating or embarrassing.

Memory blips, often called senior moments, can happen to anyone at any time. However, it can be quite concerning when they begin happening frequently, especially because they can - and do - strike without warning. If this happens, do yourself a favor and visit your doctor so he can properly diagnose your condition and give you the proper treatment.

Tips for Lifting Brain Fog

ProvasilIf the doctor finds nothing wrong with your brain and dismisses your memory slips as brain fog, then here are some tips you can follow to strengthen your memory and improve your recall:

1. Use associations. Also known as mnemonic devices, associations help in better thought and information recall. If you have a difficulty remembering the names of acquaintances, pair them with things, places or events that are easy to remember. You may want to associate Tom and his chinky eyes with the cat from the cartoon Tom and Jerry. The pairing might not make sense to other people, but they should have meaning for you so you could easily remember.

2. Pay closer attention. Sometimes you fail to recall the information you need because you were not paying full attention. This is especially true today, when there is information overload from different channels. Raise your awareness about what is happening around you by paying more attention and being actively involved in these gongs-on. Doing so will help you retain the information that you can use at a later time.

3. Keep your brain healthy. For the brain to function optimally, it needs complex carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats. Keeping it healthy also means avoiding stress and alcohol and substance abuse. You can promote your brain's health even further by taking supplements like Omega-3, Vitamin B12, folic acid and Biotin, compounds that you can found in Provasil.

Best Brain Supplement

Provasil contains 15 tried and tested compounds that are scientifically formulated to address brain fog. All these ingredients work together to help you address the following conditions:
  • Mental fatigue
  • Confusion
  • Irritability
  • Forgetfulness
  • Poor recall
  • Inattention
  • Poor motivation
  • Distractibility

By taking Provasil, you can gradually rise from the haziness that you constantly find yourself in and see a big difference in your mental performance. Clear your foggy brain with Provasil and see how a clear and optimally functioning brain will do wonders for your personal and professional life.


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Progesteril Users Get Their Questions Answers

1. It is good and advisable to take soy for menopause hot flashes? How much it is recommended? It is harmful to the body? We must rest seasonally or you can take then? Soy is great. Chinese women have taken it since time immemorial and interestingly they do not have a word for hot flashes. We take soy, because it has a high percentage of protein, has phytoestrogens, decreases the amount of calcium lost, which also comes in handy for osteoporosis. In addition, it is also good for memory and mood. What I advise you is to find a product that besides giving you the soy ingredients it has something to deal with other symptoms of menopause. A good example of such a product is progesteril. Progesteril menopause cream is all natural and judging from the many progesteril reviews, the product is also affordable. 2. Is there a relationship between subclinical hypothyroidism and premature menopause? Yes there is a direct relationship. It is very common, most women have little thyroid failure with