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What Causes Knee Joint Pain – Best Options Reliving the joint pain

Causes Knee Joint Pain

There are a variety of potential sources behind what causes knee joint pain. The knee is supported by ligaments that provide support in an "X" shape around the kneecap. Sometimes, it's possible to sprain a ligament during sports without even realizing it, and then the pain appears a few days later. With knee injuries, it's important to ask a doctor what causes knee joint pain in your specific circumstance. If a knee injury is accompanied by loss of mobility and swelling, this typically means the condition is serious enough to go to a hospital for. It's also problematic if the knee injury does not recover and remains painful for extended periods of time.

Another determining factor in what causes knee joint pain is whether or not an arthritic condition is developing. Sometimes a prior injury may lead into an osteoarthritis condition of the knee joint. What causes knee joint pain in this case is related to a breakdown of joint cartilage which results in the bone-often the femur rubbing against another part of bone, creating long-lasting pain, stiffness, or swelling. This osteoarthritis condition may occur gradually, remain relatively stable, or worsen over months or years. Many of these arthritic conditions develop around middle-age.

Another possibility in what causes knee joint pain is rheumatoid arthritic conditions. Unlike osteoarthritis, the major factor in what causes knee joint pain in this circumstance is your immune system attacking its own synovial membrane around the affected area. Symptoms of joint pain in this situation may include swelling and redness on the knee, perhaps most noticeable upon waking up. Sometimes, small red nodules appear around the skin, as well as other symptoms such as fatigue. Natural or doctor-appointed anti-inflammation remedies are typically the joint pain supplements for rheumatoid arthritis. NSAIDs could be used in conjunction with a natural ant-inflammatory like ginseng or fish-oil.

In more severe cases, typically related to very bad osteoarthritis, knee surgery may be an option. Knee surgery may be necessary to repair damaged cartilage with certain plastic or metal grafts. Or, total knee replacement surgery may be necessary. In these situations, what causes knee joint pain are usually very severe cases of cartilage loss, or very bad injuries where the disc is shattered and requires replacement. This surgery can be risky, and requires lengthy recovery time and rehabilitation. Although, for some patients, it's the best solution for osteoarthritis that impairs the quality of life.


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