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Showing posts from January, 2013

4 Celebrity Examples Of Successful Addiction Recovery

When you think of Hollywood, there are many things that instantly come to mind. And I bet that drugs and alcohol are one of the first things that you think of. Our magazines and entertainment news shows are always headlined by stories of celebrities who have gotten yet another DUI, or landed themselves in mandatory rehab programs. When we think of celebrities, sure we think of the glitz and glamour that come along with their lifestyles. But we also think about the downsides that drug and alcohol abuse has brought into many of their lives. But when we look to celebrities and addictive substances, all of the stories aren't as distressing as Lindsay Lohan's, or as tragic as Amy Winehouse's. In fact, there are many celebrities who have shown us great examples of overcoming addictions to drugs and alcohol. There are dozens of celebrities who have battled addictions... but have found their roads to recovery. Let's talk about just a few of those examples. Here are 4 celebrit...

women’s multivitamin to stay young and healthy

Staying young and beautiful is the dream of every woman on earth. And beautiful does not mean the facade that is the made up beauty but the real beauty that consists of a fit body, glowing skin and healthy hair. This is actually quite achievable if only you can follow a healthy lifestyle; take healthy food, exercise regularly, sleep well and overall lead a happy as well as stress free life. This is something unachievable in today’s world though since stress is a word that is entwined with our daily lives. During youth, all the torture you do on your body is tolerated but once you cross the threshold of thirty is crossed the result of the tortures i.e. signs of aging starts showing . What to do then? The solution is very simple. The solution is not the beauty products that are available in the market that only stops the signs of aging from showing externally, that too for a very limited period of time. If you want to stay young and beautiful inside and out, you need to do a little extr...

Health Tips For Pregnant Women

No mother can deny the fact that pregnancy puts a lot of stress on the body. The average woman puts on about 30 pounds in 9 months of her pregnancy. As a result, she goes through a considerable postural change. You may find it difficult to carry that extra weight all the time. You may feel tired even when you do not do any work all day long. Given below are a few tips from expert osteopath for pregnant women. Workout sessions During pregnancy, you might exercise on a regular basis. However, it is important for you to set your routine keeping the condition of your body in mind. This means you should not have too many workout sessions; otherwise, it may cause harm to the infant. According to experts, 3-4 workout sessions on a weekly basis are enough. The duration of each workout should be 30 minutes. However, you should reduce the duration to 10 minutes in your 3rd trimester.  Types of Exercises Cardio exercises are recommended for pregnant women; however, you should adopt those exerc...

Best Natural Treatments For You

Have you ever wondered the treatments for some diseases way back the ancient times? They don’t have the modern medicines which we could easily buy over the counter. What do you think the people of the old days do ? Here are some of the most famous alternative treatments dug up from our history. It is still being practiced today. You might want to experience some of these. Acupuncture Do you want to experience a bit of Chinese alternative medicine practice? For some, this might be for the brave. Can you imagine yourself being inserted by thin needles? If you are not intimidated by the procedure, go ahead and try it. Ayurveda If you are someone who would like to be one with nature, I would suggest that you try Ayurveda. They believe that balance is the key to have a well body. There are 2 objectives of this method. One, it aims to protect one’s health. Second, it tries to decrease the diseases and other dysfunctions that one is experiencing. Herbal Medicines Those who are scared to take ...

Simple Skincare for Great looking Skin

Caring for your skin can get a little tricky. First of all, you have to understand that your skin is different from other people so you need to find your own skin care regimen. You can start by determining your particular skin type. If you have the budget, it would be best to consult a specialist who can suggest the best skin care products for your particular case. Great skin care doesn’t have to be costly. There are many good skin care products that are affordable. To start off, a gentle skin cleanser for your skin type can do wonders. Also don’t forget to moisturize since dry skin can lead to premature signs of skin aging like fine lines. Another product you need if you want to have great skin and prevent premature signs of skin aging is sunscreen. Several studies indicate that damage from the sun is one of the leading causes of skin aging . This is why you need to use the appropriate sunscreen depending on how long you will be exposed to the sun. Remember that a healthy diet and ...

3 Alternative Treatments for Hot Flashes

Hot flashes are common to women who are undergoing the menopausal stage. It is a condition wherein you will feel intense warmth or hot feeling all over your face down to your neck and chest. Some women find this unbearable and too uncomfortable which can make them fret. Its episodes may occur from as little as few times in a week to more frequent like several times in a day. Some of its common symptoms include a feeling of strong heat or warmth spreading on face all throughout the upper body. It is also characterized by flushed appearance and red skin. Rapid heartbeat, perspiration and chilled feeling are also included in its symptoms. There are many treatments being offered today for this kind of menopause symptom . However, most women who are experiencing it often opt to choose alternative treatments or natural remedy as it is more effective and safe. Included in these are the following: 1. Black Cohosh – This is one of the most popular alternative treatments that are being used to...

The Easiest Ways to Prevent Joint Pains and Related Disorders

One out of four people are experiencing joint pains and related disorders today. I find this number rather disturbing because these diseases are becoming more common and even the younger folks can be affected. Instead of rushing to a surgery or popping painkillers, why not try these easy tips to help you prevent joint pains?  Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disorder wherein the joints and ligaments naturally loses their strength and lubrication. The best way to prevent this is through avoiding obesity and maintaining a good body weight. For older folks, strengthening the hips and knees through exercise is also good for joint health. If you are told to drink moderately, you should or else you are becoming more exposed to gout. Gout is the condition when uric acids accumulate in the body, leading to joint pain and inflammation. The main culprit for this is heavy drinking. Beers and other liquors are high in purine, a substance which stimulate the production of uric acid . Other foods ...

Dangers of Weight Loss Surgery

Weight loss surgery is now very popular. You have probably heard of many amazing testimonials wherein people have lost 30, 50 to hundreds of pounds because of surgery. This is the reason why weight loss surgeries have tripled since early 2000s. The major problem is that most people overlook the risks involved with the surgery. They think that Bariatric surgery is a quick fix that will miraculously help them achieve the perfect body. The truth is that surgery is only for the very obese and complications are very common. One in two hundred patients dies from gastric bypass surgery which is the most popular weight loss surgery today. Although patients are counselled regarding the risks involved, most people disregard the warning and think that complications are not likely. A recent study found that 40% of patients experience problems, from diarrhea to intestinal leaks. Patients also usually develop nutritional deficiencies because of the limited absorption due to the shorter digesti...

Taking Care of your Lungs

It would be very hard to live a life with unhealthy lungs. You won’t be able to stay outdoors for a long time and you won’t be able to experience doing fun activities. Well, that’s why it is a must that you take care of your lungs . Here are some of the things which you need to remember. Things you Must Consider Say no to smoking - If you haven’t started smoking, don’t attempt to puff even once. We all know that smoking is the culprit for many diseases. It’s not just lung cancer that we are talking about. Smoking can also increase the chances of having bladder cancer, mouth cancer and cervical cancer among many others. Plus, it’s also one of the causes of pre – mature death. So again, don’t attempt to start this vice. Leave the city for a while - Yes, the city life can also affect your lungs. In urban areas, one can be surrounded with factories, people who smoke and cars. If you don’t give yourself a break, your lungs might be gravely affected. If you have a home outside the city, yo...

Bone Health - More Than Exercise And Consuming Calcium

We are seeing a huge rise in osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is said to affect at least half the population of women and two thirds the population of men. That's a huge number. The common advice we see when it comes to osteoporosis is consume more calcium and get more exercise. This is really quite poor advice because it doesn't take into account at all how the body works and individual needs.  If you have osteoporosis or you are moving towards osteoporosis your body is breaking down bone for a reason. It's breaking down bone because it's trying to get calcium into your body. We tell people that they need to exercise more and this creates strong bones but the problem with this is that if you exercise you increase lactic acid. Lactic acid is a toxic to the body and this causes you to increase estrogen levels. Estrogen activates prolactin and prolactin breaks down bone. This means that if you doing the wrong type of exercise or over exercising your actually making your proble...

Acupuncture: The Medicine You Never Knew

Everyone just knows acupuncture as "That Thing Where You Get Stabbed With Needles," however, there is much more to the ancient medicine that people commonly have no clue about. So, without any further adieu, here is a list of a few things you never knew about acupuncture!    You Don't Need To Be Sick! Although acupuncture treats specific ailments extremely well, it is common and extremely plausible to receive acupuncture treatment without being ill. Acupuncture treats close to everything that's not an illness. The medicine can relieve stress, release muscle tension, increase respiratory processing, and even improve posture! So, acupuncture not only can cure and treat ailments threatening your overall well-being, but it can also help slight deficiencies in your body. Not Just For Lower Back! Somehow, over time, the assumption that "Acupuncture only treats lower back issues" has developed. Contrary to this ridiculously inaccurate idea, acupuncture has been kn...

What is Menopause: Facts, Causes And Symptoms

Menopause Facts Menopause marks the end of the reproductive phase of a woman’s life. When a woman ages, her body experiences many changes and a lot of them are triggered by the hormonal changes brought on by menopause the end of the menstrual cycle. While many may regard as a blessing, it is important to understand how it affects the body. What triggers menopause? With the arrival of the mid-forties, the ovaries reduce the production of the sex hormones , namely progesterone and estrogen. Apart from impacting a woman’s health and certain physical aspects, these hormones are collectively responsible for Ovulation - the process by which an egg is released by the ovaries into the fallopian tubes . Normal development and function of the uterus Growth of breasts Preparation of the lining of the uterus to accept the fertilized egg. The most common age for menopause: Ages between 40 up to 60 are considered normal for the onset of menopause in the Western World. Women typically get their la...

Xenadrine Reviews: How Xenadrine Work?

Despite all doubts regarding the efficiency of Xenadrine as a weight loss supplement, it is never safe to say that it is a scam. Here is why. About Xenadrine You probably encountered a saga of does Xenadrine work questions. Some respondents provided answers that are not born out of self-interests while others did some exaggerated sugar coating fantasies or propaganda perhaps. Let us uncover mysteries behind the powers of Xenadrine calorie burners. How does Xenadrine work? Here are some important things you have to consider before you pop a rapid release capsule of Xenadrine, put the drink mix versions to your water or take caffeine-free pills varieties. Stick with a sound weight loss workout program and calorie-reduced meals when taking your meds.  Use Xenadrine regularly for around eight to twelve weeks. The maximum number capsules safe for your system is six. More than the safety dose may be detrimental to your health. As for the drink mix, you are only allowed to use three packs at...

Five Ideas for Women Good Health

Women today are busier than ever, and they often do not have the time to spend hours at the gym. Fortunately, there are a number of things that women can do to stay healthy and in shape. Below are five keeping fit ideas for women: Walk More This is perhaps one of the simplest things that women can do to stay in shape. Walking is a great exercise because it does not require any equipment, and it can be done almost anywhere at any time. If a woman lives close to her job, then she should consider walking a couple of times out of the week. Additionally, women should consider parking further away from the building and using the stairs. Perform Resistance Exercises Resistance training is something that many people forget to include in their routine. However, performing resistance exercises is one of the key things that women can do to keep themselves fit. Resistance training helps reduce body fat and build lean muscle. It also helps boost metabolism. Women should perform resistance training ...

Lipozene: Uncover Its Reviews and Ingredient

The Basics of Lipozene Lipozene has received all the possible hype it could get. When Lipozene was first introduced to the market, a lot of people jumped on the weight loss bandwagon. The weight loss bandwagon, however, could prove to be a shaky ride. Despite the fact that a lot of people have been singing both praise and hatred for this product, overall it was found that those who benefit most from this product are usually overweight or have a significant trouble with their cholesterol or high blood sugar levels. Lipozene Ingredient Magic is not the key ingredient in this product. Konjac root(commonly known as Glucomannan) is the key ingredient that works behind this pill. A lot has been said about this product - from the treatment and prevention of lung tumors to helping people reduce weight and constipation. According to most lipozene reviews, konjac root may be the key ingredient as well as the only component that will make this product work. Think of this diet pill as a more sophi...

What Everyone Ought to Know About Obesity

Obesity has become a real problem in a lot of countries, however the US is the most obese country in the world, and the medical profession have started to worry about the additional stress it’s putting on the health service. The US is famous for consumerism, and it’s not difficult to find a fast food restaurant wherever people happen to live. It’s not just food that’s the problem it’s the way that people live their lives generally. There are so many gadgets about these days in terms of entertainment people often spend hours on their computers playing games. It’s also hard to fit exercise in if you work an office job, sitting at a desk all day won’t exactly get those muscles working, and people often cannot be bothered to go and visit a gym at the end of the day. The fact is we’re becoming a nation of “couch potatoes”.  Some might say we already are! The problem with obesity is once a person has reached this level, it’s hard to find a way out. Low self-esteem sets in, energy level...