When you think of Hollywood, there are many things that instantly come to mind. And I bet that drugs and alcohol are one of the first things that you think of. Our magazines and entertainment news shows are always headlined by stories of celebrities who have gotten yet another DUI, or landed themselves in mandatory rehab programs. When we think of celebrities, sure we think of the glitz and glamour that come along with their lifestyles. But we also think about the downsides that drug and alcohol abuse has brought into many of their lives. But when we look to celebrities and addictive substances, all of the stories aren't as distressing as Lindsay Lohan's, or as tragic as Amy Winehouse's. In fact, there are many celebrities who have shown us great examples of overcoming addictions to drugs and alcohol. There are dozens of celebrities who have battled addictions... but have found their roads to recovery. Let's talk about just a few of those examples. Here are 4 celebrit...