If you look carefully around yourself, you will find that everywhere, there are many difficulties and troubles. Our world become like a roller coaster. Prices of everything are up, the share market is down, food costs are rising, the dollars in our pocket are shrinking, heating oil is continue, the temperature is falling in some area where as in some area sun is like bomb . And although we still feel hopeful for something good. Problem around us will add stress and unhappiness in our life, this will cause really bad effect to our health and social life. If you get it into this bad disease then whatever good happening around you doesn't makes you feel happy. This will cause bad health issue so it’s better to get rid of this. Stress is a part of life and many things that you do -- put stress on your body. Stress is a normal physical response for events which makes you feel upset in some way. Some stress good for us, it keep us motivated, alert and ready to avoid life problems. ...