Do you have cellulite? You are not the only one. 90% of women face this problem during their lifetime - even those that are in shape!
Although cellulite is a common thing, there are many misconceptions and wrong information about what it is, what causes it and in what way it should be treated. Before you set an appointment with a cosmetic and spend a fortune on various products, get to know the whole truth about cellulite.

According to the results of a YMCA research, adults that have used aerobic exercises lasting around 30 minutes, three times per week in a period of eight weeks, have lost four kg, but they didn't gain any muscle.
In the other group the people split their exercises to 30 minutes of aerobics, but they also worked on strengthening their muscles. Not only did they lose 10kg, but they also improved their muscle percentage.
Although cellulite is a common thing, there are many misconceptions and wrong information about what it is, what causes it and in what way it should be treated. Before you set an appointment with a cosmetic and spend a fortune on various products, get to know the whole truth about cellulite.

Women have more cellulite than men
True: Women have more fat in the hip and thigh area. Next to that, the tissues that connects them are not so well developed. Still, it is presumed that about 10% of the male population has a cellulite problem.The problem becomes more serious with years
True: Hormones play a very important role in the appearance of cellulite. With years. the body produces less estrogen, ie. the hormone that is in charge of blood circulation. Less estrogen means less circulation, which causes a lack of collagen and the rupturing of connective tissues.Cellulite is a genetic issue
True: Cellulite can be passed down. If your mother and grandmother have cellulite problems, there is a great chance that you will too. If you are not one of those lucky few that nature handed perfect skin to, know that genetics only plays a small part in the whole story. Factors like diet, exercise and keeping your line in tact are very important.Cellulite appears in people that don't exercise
Misconception: Cellulite is more visible with women who have a weight problem. The more fat you have, the greater the chance of damaging connective tissues that are important for the look of your skin.Exercising can affect cellulite
True: By regularly exercising you can lose the cellulite , but it can also act as a prevention as well as reduction. Cellulite appears when the connective tissues lose their elasticity, but exercising can help. Yoga can also help, as well as physical exercises that develop muscles and increase circulation.Cardio is the best solution
Misconception: Running and other forms of cardio can help you reduce the orange skin effect. But, to real "iron" your skin, you have to strengthen your muscles.According to the results of a YMCA research, adults that have used aerobic exercises lasting around 30 minutes, three times per week in a period of eight weeks, have lost four kg, but they didn't gain any muscle.
In the other group the people split their exercises to 30 minutes of aerobics, but they also worked on strengthening their muscles. Not only did they lose 10kg, but they also improved their muscle percentage.
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